We must work together
Improving education requires all of us — public, private and nonprofit sectors — to work together in new ways. And it requires a clear-eyed view of the problem and its roots. For instance, the fact is, high school dropouts are more than 12 years in the making.
Nationally, - Disadvantaged children start school at least 2 years behind in pre-reading skills.
- For every 50 children who don’t learn to read in kindergarten, 44 will still be struggling in 3rd grade.
- Children without reading skills by 3rd grade are unlikely to graduate. New research shows grades and absenteeism rates by 3rd grade can predict dropouts with 90% accuracy.
A new resource for education advocates
To overcome the challenge of finding credible, actionable resources for improving educational outcomes for our youth, United Way NCA has launched a new educational insights news service. This interactive set of videos, tools, and resources can easily be embedded on your website or blog. Once it’s done, your visitors will receive the latest information about the state of education in our region. Once you embed the multimedia player, each time we update it, your version will automatically be synchronized with the new information.
Check out this month’s Insights, headlined by the Kenilworth-Parkside area’s Irasema Salcido, the CEO and founder of the Cesar Chavez Charter High School for Public Policy.
Click here for instructions for embedding the interactive media player on your own website or blog.