
United Way of the National Capital Area is working with local partners to address the many needs of residents in our region. "Living United in our Nation's Capital" is a forum where United Way NCA and the community can discuss this critical work and express opinions about events and important local issues.

Nov 6, 2009

Just 8 More...

"Just 8 more, keep moving," said Mark Jenkins, celebrity personal trainer and spokesperson for Fun, Fly & Fit (UWNCA's fitness and nutrition program for school-aged kids). Yes, that was about the time I started to feel a little weak in the knees but, no pain, no gain right?

I kept pushing myself through a great workout and became very well-acquainted with my professional jump rope. I never realized that there were "real" jumpropes, as opposed to the yarn ones that you can easily find at a local drugstore. No, these were the real deal, heavy cords - no yarn here and the entire UWNCA staff learned how to use them quickly. If P.Diddy and Mary J. could do it, we could too.

Aside from working off some post-halloween candy calories, and expanding our life-expectancy with a simple 30 minute routine - the entire UWNCA staff came out to Neval Thomas elementary to kick-off our internal campaign. Most importantly, we brought Fun, Fly & Fit to some daring 4th and 5th graders. UWNCA is committed to improving the health and safety of children throughout the region we serve - this program does exactly that.

This was a great afternoon. Mark helped the whole team enjoy getting fit while having fun and we even looked "fly" doing it. Its supposed to be fun and that's what it was - Watch video here:

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